Tuesday 4 September 2012


Follow me, Y I E W.

I am annoyed.

You don't have to do so.

But attention seeker, you did.

And I don't think I have to give you responds.

Enjoy yourself yeah.

: )

Gaoxiuyang x Linzhishang

I must always clear about this. *remind*

Tuesday 19 June 2012

I'm freed.


Yes, after two weeks holiday I think that I am freed from that danger.
Mmmmhmm, I do think so and I am quite confident with it.

And so. Once I reached the hostel, the first thing I do is to keep that paper and everything about it.

But guess what?

I think I'm now in danger again. Yes only two days. I think I MIGHT back to the old me.

I saw and I talked and I observed.
Isn't this soooo familiar?
Yes these were what I always did last time.

So what can I do?
Stay away from danger if you're scared to fall again.


Everyone has his own habits.

And we always think that it's super hard for us to change our old habits. However, we do not know that sometime our habits change without our knowing.

Of course, at first you'll feel weird or awkward or anything. But after sometime, you will get used to the things that you thought you couldn't get used to.

A real life example.
I used to sleep with my sister in my hometown. And when I first came to the hostel, I felt terrible because I had to sleep alone. The thing seemed impossible for me but I overcame it. And then I thought sleeping alone was not a big deal.
And after that I have a new roommate. I started with "Uh huh?". Because I thought that will be very inconvenience.
BUT NOW. My roommate was not here, and I couldn't sleep.
This proves that I already got used to sleep with people but not alone!

OH NO. I never thought that some habits could be changed so easily.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Quote 3

If you like someone, tell him/her straight away. Otherwise, regret will come after him/her.

But the fact is, people don't have the courage normally. Because they dare not to face the failure.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Quote 2

How terrible it is when the bad things that you think come true.
- Fanvian, 2012 -


I love them.
I just love them.
They are just special until I couldn't use words to describe.
They make me laugh, they listen to me, they make me forget about my problems and help me out.

I appreciate the existance of you guys.
You're just super needed for me.
I love you guys.

The group photo! :D

LIU and me. The strongest back I ever have. : )

The ugliest photo. Come on, world record. XD

One more group photo with dearest you. :D

Forgive us for the camera-shock-face. XD


What we had that night!
Although we were just having ice-cream, but we enjoyed ourselves!

The siblings. <3

You are always with me since we met. This is fate.


Had a bad morning.
Heard about the bad news.
Had bad mood.
So, just took a sad photo.

Pretty cool lady. <3
I love her, just the way she loves me.
Stand with me, never disappear.


Monday 7 May 2012


After you leave your home and study at somewhere very far away from your house, you will know that feeling.

The moment you're on the bus and keep looking at the watch, yeah, 30 minites more I'll reach!
The moment that you give your parents a big warm hug once you reach.
The moment you enjoy the simple dish but it's delicious enough for you.

These scenes are what we always wait for when we are not home.

And when the time you have to leave again, you can't bear to leave them, your love ones.
But what to do, you have to leave.

And what we can do is just missing the moments we spent together and looking forward for the next time when we gather.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Quote 1


You would never know how we feel, just like we would never know what you think.


Wednesday 2 May 2012

We were young. : )

There was a long long long story about us.

We knew each other when we were in kindergarten, we were just three years old that time.

We were too young, too pure and too innocent.
This was what we were during the time.

I think it was the most memorable moment as it started our story. : )

Once I reached the kindergarten, the principal brought me to him and his gang. All girls except him. Hahahahah, always, he is surrounded by girls, even until now. :D
At first I was jealous; but after some time, I knew that was the adorable part of him; and at the end, I found out that was the reason that broke us apart.

And we were getting closer and closer. We played, we laughed and we cried together.
We spent our every moment in the kindergarten together, yeah with two other girl, Polaris.

After we ended our education in kindergarten, we further our study in the same primary school but different classes. Only Polaris went to different school.

We were not so close as we were in kindergarten. I don't know why, even until now, I still cannot figure out the reason. Maybe because of the burden of the homework? Or because of it was the arrangement by my dear God?

So, everything just wen on and on. Nobody bothered about the friendship anymore.

Very quickly, six years passed.

He moved to the other city, only the girls left. But we did keep in touch by phone, meet each other during tuition classes.

We just sat beside each other. I thought God brought our gang back together. Three of us attended the same tuition classes and piano classes, and the lost connection appeared again. I couldn't describe how thrill I was because I am the person who always think about old days.

One day, he confessed.
I was totally mood down that day as I had an argument with Polaris. He comforted me and kept making jokes.

I thanked Polaris as she gave our story an introduction. We were just 13.

Hahahaha, so here we started.

Compare to a normal couple, we were quite weird as we didn't hang out frequently like others do. The first thing we were worried was our parents would find out about our relationship. But luckily, we both were good in acting. XD So they didn't realize.

After one and a half year, we broke up.
The reason he gave me was just rubbish. He said he wanted to concentrate on his study.
Okay, then why should we start? Some more our relationship didn't affect our study at all. All the results were remain well.

Everything came too sudden. What I could do was just accept. I couldnt't tell my family for consolation because they didn't even know about this.

Try to get over someone is the worst thing in the world.

I read one quote before,
Trying to forget someone is like trying to remember someone that you never meet.
That's true. And how sad.

I tried really hard to go through the fact that happened in front of me.
People said youngsters are not suitable to step in a relationship. Maybe that's right. Because they don't know how to manage their emotions and they are still learning on how to cope with such things.
And 'this thing', maybe some people will never get it even after lots of practice.
It is just unpredictable and undescribable.

I don't how long I had used to go through that sorrow.
I just know that we lost contact for eight months long.
I was too scared to call him even just text him.

We still met each other in classes. And it was AWKWARD.
And after that, he changed the tuition centre and we didn't meet each other anymore.

After eight months, he appeared again. Sudden.

He called me at one night. I still could recognise his voice even after eight months without contacting each other.
The moment, the feeling were couldn't explain by any words.
I cried. I don't know what does that mean. Surprise? Excited? Or Sad?
I didn't expect much, I was satisfied with what he did. I was happy as long as we were still friends as we have been together since kindergarten.

After few weeks, we got back together.
And only then I knew, he broke up with me because his mum knew about us. She told him if we were not going to end this relationship, she would tell my mum. And he did know that my mum is very strict. So, instead of let me being scolded by my mum, he chose to break up with me.

After some time, his mum knew again about us. This time, she didn't do the same thing. She just wanted his promise that he wouldn't affect his academic.
I was shocked. And I felt like wanted to tell my parents also because it was so unfair.

At that night, I told my parents and surprisingly they didn't say no.
Everything was just went smoothly and then I just noticed that we were not as happy as before.

And I forgot, people will change due to time and environment. So I thought everything would just fine like what we had eight months before.

I felt like I was no longer knew the guy whi stand in front of me. It was so strange.
However, I didn't say anything because I wasn't sure that was I able to lose him again.

One day, he spoke. Finally. I think he already wanted to do so but he just didn't spoke up.
He told me that the reason was because of a small matter. What a crap. I told myself that time with tears in my eyes.
And my friend asked him what happened to us. He told him that this is all because of distance. He said he couldn't accept. What a crap. And then how could we hold on for so long?

That year, we were 15.

I didn't how did I look like after my friends told me.
Polaris said I was like a person without soul. Oh Was I?
She said I tried to hide everything but she knew.

Yeah, that moment I know that friends are the most reliable after family.

Even though Polaris and I didn't have a long-last friendhip. I felt sorry about this.
But nobody could help with our friendship, just like him and I couldn't help with my own relationship.
I am still happy with what I had gone through. Maybe I am still not good, but at least I am better than before. Because those incidents made me grow.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Hey Bunnies!

Hey peeps!
I will be talking about PETS in this post! : )

Actually these are not my rabbits but my sister's one. Heee.
However I like them and treat them like my own pets! Weeeeeeee. : )

Well. Let me introduce them to you one by one. (Actually there are only two!) XD

This is Bunny. *heart*

And this is Xiao Xiao! : D

They are cute to the max right! Hehehehehehe. : )

Their daily life photos will be shown soon. 
Weeeeee. : D

She was in the cage enjoying her own time. : )

They were both in the cage and having a rest after playing with my sister. : )

She is just adorable enough every second! *heart*

She was skipping around in my sister-in-law's house when my sister went to a vacation.
Everything there is new for her. : )

Bunny is much lazier than Xiao Xiao.
He prefers to stay still at a certain place while Xiao Xiao like to horse around. XD

My sister editted this photo on the first day of 2012! : )
*Actually my sister is a little bias, she likes Bunny more than Xiao Xiao. : (*


His favourite hobby is lying somewhere and do nothing. -.-

My sister was sitting on the floor while having ribena and reading papers.
Bunny saw the cup and came to drink. How cute! *heart!*

At a strange place (my sister-in-law's house), they feel awkward. XD

I don't know what is he doing! :b

Gotcha! XD

Resting. AGAIN. XD

"Hmm, what's happening there?"

Both are tired and could not get used of the new environment.

Bunny rested outside the air-con room.

*Both of them like to lie against the door and enjoy the air-con that comes out from the small gap. Hahahahhahha. XD

"Hey this place is mine!"
"Nope, this is mine!!"

*They like to fight for a place - in front of the door where they can feel the coldness of the air-con. Heheheh. :D

Both of them are too cute until I cannot ignore their existance! : )
And last Friday (19th of April 2012), their babies were born! : )
HOWEVER, only one was saved.

Here are the photos! :)

See, it's soooooo small. Even smaller than the hand palm!

Good baby. : )

Sleeping? : )

Drinking milk. Dulopdulop. XD

I can't wait to see you grow up day by day!

Xiao Xiao, the mummy! The vet took well care of the mummy by feeding her fresh veggie! : )

I'm proud of you! Muahhahahaha. :D

Actually, last few months, Xiao Xiao was pregnant but her babies were all died. The vet said this was because Xiao Xiao was still young and didn't know how to take care of her own children.

But now, she is doing well! :D

The First Event that Brought Us Together. Weeee. :D

We have been here (KIC) for almost eight months already.
Everyday is unforgettable because we are getting closer, closer and closer. : )

Every event, every celebration, every activity and every second that we spent together are meaningful to us because they brought us together.

Of course, for me, the most memorable one is Merdeka-Raya Celebration that has been held in 2011.
This is because this event is the first event that brings all Dickinsonians together. *heart*

Merdeka-Raya Celebration was held for two days which are on 24th of September and 25th of September 2011. For the first day, we played outdoor games. And for the second day, we had closing ceremony. There were a lot of performances we did on that day.



- This photo was taken on 24th September morning. The students were preparing for the games. -
- Vithieya -

- Worked together to decorate the auditorium. -
- Azman, Aira -

- Played and worked at the same time! :D -

- A heart-shape with One Malaysia spirit. *heart* -
- Hafiz, Kak Yong, Kak Nina -

- Rehearsal for the Malay Traditional Dance. : ) -
- Yaya, Nik, Zura -

- Errm, random. Girls with cute faces. *cubit* -
- Mas, Zati, Hazirah, Anith -


- Representative from A5 (Shakespeare) -
- Mus -

- Cutie from our class (Dickinson) *heart* -
- Shue -

- A1 (Wordsworth) representatives for Kising the Flour -
- Naney, Faziera, Aina Sofia, Opie, Hafiz -

- Cool demonstration -
- Diana -

- Representative from A2 (Frost) -
- Afif -

- The schoolmate, housemate, roommate -
- Nik, Amal -


- Pretty ladies with charming smiles -
- Mas, Iman, Anith, Nabilah, Zati, Hazirah -

- A nice shot -
- Tinie -

- Bicker-mate -
- Aman, Evelyn -

- Emcee of the day -
- Dharsh and Aliff -

- YDP gave his very first formal speech -
- Hafiz -

- A talented Indian performed an Indian dance -
- Coreen -

- Poem Recital -
- Adila -

- Performance by A2 (Frost) -

- Performance by Chinese students -

- Performance by A3 (DICKINSON) *heart* -
- One Malaysia Song -

- Performance by A3 (DICKINSON) *heart* -
- Raya Song -

- Performance by Opie -

- Performance by Malay Students -

- Performance by A4 (Shelly) -

- Hot Indian Performance by Indian Students -

- Hot and Sexy Lady -
- Fiona -

- The Other Indian Dance -

- Cool Rappers -
- Hafiz, Sean, Renuka, Naney, Aliff -

- The Last Campur2 Dance by All Kirkby Citizen! -

- The coolest class photo ever -
- A3 - EMILY DICKINSON *heart* -


Yeah, this event is sooooo damn meaningful to us. However, for me, the preparation process for this celebration is even more important than anything. 

We planned what kind of performance to do and what songs to sing.
We organized the practice as good as we could.
We discussed the position for each of the Dickinsonians.

We did everything together and we had fun. The moment could not be replaced.

These are some of the photos that we had taken before/during/after the practice.

- Arranging -

- Practising -

- Posing XD -

- Conducting -

- Obeying -

- Camwhoring :D -

The result of the practice is important but the process is even more because it brings us together. Weeee. :D